Harry Hubble

I got this in the mail the other day and thought it was so cute so I am going to share. It came with coupons for diapers.

Little Harry Hubble
The Boy in the Plastic Bubble

Look at me, check me out
My name's Harry-Harry Hubble
you're probably wondering why I'm here
Inside this plastic bubble.

The answer's pretty simple
My mom is full of STRESS
She gets freaked when I get close
To any kind of mess.

So here i am, with my friend Sam
Who loves to finger paint
If my hands were ever red, green, & blue
My mom would surely faint.

And at those birthday parties
Kids have ice cream on their cheeks
If that was me, my mom's eye would be
Twitching for 2 weeks.

If you're uptight, Mom that;s alright
It takes all kinds and types
But your messy-stress would disappear
If you grabbed some Huggie Wipes.

Feels gentle like a washcloth
Cleaning any mess on me
Like ice cream, mud or syrup
And of course my poo and pee.

And just like that, the switch was flipped
My mommy heard my plea
She released me from the bubble
And made a party just for me/

And my mom no longer freaked out
With Huggie Wipes right by her side
She even got some ice cream on her face
A welcome sight I must confide.

So check me out!
I'm Harry Hubble!
In a plastic bubble?
No Way!

(In fact my mom is sending the bubble back to the bubble store today)